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My super snak

My snak go to have all type of food delicious THE INGREDIENTS: 1.-Flour 2.-Clear vanilla 3.-Cherrys 4.-Water 5.-Egg 6.-Chantilly cream 7.-Coconut 8.-Nutella 9.-Banana 10.-chewing gum ice cream PROCESS: Put the flour in a bowl, sprinkle some water on the flour, then put the egg yolk in the container, then throw the transparent vanilla and use a bates all then put the dough in a waffle maker, with this you will make all the waffles that reach you with your mass. Fill the edges and the center with whipped cream and on top of it we put the cut banana to pleasure the nutella over the whole waffle, we toss the coconut on the nutella and put in the center the ice cream ball and at the end the cherry.
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Spotify recomendation

This is an application that plays music that you must buy or download depending on the music. This application is highly recommended, since you do not need to be in the application to play your music, it also goes very well in the sense of memory that already does it. They do not weigh much and the songs do not block or stop playing like other applications of music also have to have a device that has acceptable memory since there are people who think that Spotify is an application that weighs a lot and it is not only when you buy or download a song just like you take care because it is minimal and this is usually confused with think that the application is slow or that takes up a lot of space when in reality the device is the one that is slow or needs storage, another thing to note is that in the app store is free to download and there is no additional cost for the app but that is one of the most recognized and outstanding applications of the app store, play store and google play of it